Observatory Platform Development Environment

The following is a tutorial for running the local Observatory Platform development environment.

Make sure that you have followed the installation instructions to install the Observatory Platform on your system.

Prepare configuration files

Generate a config.yaml file:

observatory generate config local

You should see the following output:

The file "/home/user/.observatory/config.yaml" exists, do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]: y
config.yaml saved to: "/home/user/.observatory/config.yaml"

The generated file should look like (with inline comments removed):

# The backend type: local
# The environment type: develop, staging or production
  type: local
  environment: develop

# Apache Airflow settings
  fernet_key: wbK_uYJ-x0tnUcy_WMwee6QYzI-7Ywbf-isKCvR1sZs=

# Terraform settings: customise to use the vm_create and vm_destroy DAGs:
# terraform:
#   organization: my-terraform-org-name

# Google Cloud settings: customise to use Google Cloud services
# google_cloud:
#   project_id: my-gcp-id # the Google Cloud project identifier
#   credentials: /path/to/google_application_credentials.json # the path to the Google Cloud service account credentials
#   data_location: us # the Google Cloud region where the resources will be deployed
#   buckets:
#     download_bucket: my-download-bucket-name # the bucket where downloads are stored
#     transform_bucket: my-transform-bucket-name # the bucket where transformed files are stored

# User defined Apache Airflow variables:
# airflow_variables:
#   my_variable_name: my-variable-value

# User defined Apache Airflow Connections:
# airflow_connections:
#   my_connection: http://my-username:my-password@

# User defined Observatory DAGs projects:
# workflows_projects:
#   - package_name: observatory-dags
#     path: /home/user/observatory-platform/observatory-dags
#     dags_module: observatory.dags.dags

See Creating and managing projects for more details on creating a project and Getting Started with Authentication for instructions on how to create a service account key.

Make sure that service account has roles roles/bigquery.admin and roles/storagetransfer.admin as well as access to the download and transform buckets.

The table below lists connections that are required for telescopes bundled with the observatory:

Connection Key





Stores the token for the crossref API as a password



Stores the azure-storage-account-name as a login and url-encoded-sas-token as password



Stores the azure-storage-account-name as a login and url-encoded-sas-token as password



Stores the terraform user token as a password (used to create/destroy VMs)



Stores the URL for the Slack webhook as a host and the token as a password

Running the local development environment

See below for instructions on how to start the Observatory Platform, view Observatory Platform UIs, stop the Observatory Platform and customise other settings.

Start the Observatory Platform

To start the local Observatory Platform development environment:

observatory platform start

You should see the following output:

Observatory Platform: all dependencies found                                    
   - path: /usr/bin/docker
   - running
  Host machine settings:
   - observatory home: /home/user/.observatory
   - data-path: /home/user/.observatory/data
   - dags-path: /home/user/workspace/observatory-platform/observatory_platform/dags
   - logs-path: /home/user/.observatory/logs
   - postgres-path: /home/user/.observatory/postgres
   - host-uid: 1000
  Docker Compose:
   - path: /home/user/workspace/observatory-platform/venv/bin/docker-compose
   - path: /home/user/.observatory/config.yaml
   - file valid
Observatory Platform: built                                                     
Observatory Platform: started                                                   
View the Apache Airflow UI at http://localhost:8080

Viewing the Apache Airflow and Flower UIs

Once the Observatory Platform has started, the following UIs can be accessed:

Stop the Observatory Platform

To stop the Observatory Platform:

observatory platform stop

You should see the following output:

Observatory Platform: all dependencies found                                    
Observatory Platform: stopped                                                   

Specify a config.yaml file

To specify a different config.yaml file use the --config-path parameter when starting the Observatory Platform:

observatory platform start --config-path /your/path/to/config.yaml

Specify a DAGs folder

To specify a different dags folder use the --dags-path parameter when starting the Observatory Platform:

observatory platform start --dags-path /your/path/to/dags

Specify a data folder

To specify a different folder to mount as the host machine’s data folder, use the --data-path parameter when starting the Observatory Platform:

observatory platform start --data-path /your/path/to/data

Specify a logs folder

To specify a different folder to mount as the host machine’s logs folder, use the --logs-path parameter when starting the Observatory Platform:

observatory platform start --logs-path /your/path/to/logs

Specify a PostgreSQL folder

To specify a different folder to mount as the host machine’s PostgreSQL data folder, use the --postgres-path parameter when starting the Observatory Platform:

observatory platform start --postgres-path /your/path/to/postgres

Specify a user id

To specify different user id, which is used to set the ownership of the volume mounts, use the following command when starting the Observatory Platform:

observatory platform start --host-uid 5000

Specify a group id

To specify different group id, which is used to set the ownership of the volume mounts, use the following command when starting the Observatory Platform:

observatory platform start --host-gid 5000

Override default ports

You may override the host ports for Redis, Flower UI, Airflow UI, Elasticsearch and Kibana. An example is given below:

observatory platform start --redis-port 6380 --flower-ui-port 5556 --airflow-ui-port 8081

Specify an existing Docker network

You may use an existing Docker network by supplying the network name:

observatory platform start --docker-network-name observatory-network

Getting help

To get help with the Observatory Platform commands:

observatory --help

To get help with the Observatory Platform platform command:

observatory platform --help

To get help with the Observatory Platform generate command:

observatory generate --help